Guy named "Artist of the Year" for 40th Rappahannock River Waterfowl Show
by Guy Crittenden
February 26, 2019
Join us for the 2019 Rappahannock River Waterfowl Show - March 16 - 17 - at the White Stone Fire Department, in White Stone Virginia. 50 Artists, Carvers and Sculptors will be sharing their talents on this special weekend. Guy has been named the 2019 Artist of the Year for the Festival and everyone who attends will get a free "print of the year" entitled, "Greenheads and Pin Oaks". Guy will have 20 new Waterfowl originals for sale at the festival and will be doing original remarques on the prints at the show. Hope to see you there! For more information on the show, visit
Guy Crittenden